Back in the day, I co-founded the first
Film Club ever at Pueblo West High School, along with my good friend
Caynen. There were others involved with the project as well, but no
one was nearly as consumed by it as Caynen and I were. At the time,
we were obsessed with creating not just one movie, but multiple short
films. I was writing script after script for all of these different
films we had planned, collaborating with Caynen on everything. After
we filmed our short On The Shoulders Of Zombies: The Untold Story of
the Evil Dead Four, however, it seemed as though I had gotten the
filmmaking bug out of my system, at least for the most part. I still
yearn to create movies now and then, though not with nearly the amount of passion I had for it when
I was younger. Also, at the time I was using a less-than-legal copy
of Final Draft, which I no longer have, and to start out in the
industry is just extremely cost-prohibitive. Just look at the price
of the RED digital camera, which is the first digital camera to break
into Hollywood, having been used to shoot films Like Crank and the yet-to-be-released Robocop remake, among others. This camera is often touted as being relatively
cheap and easy for studios to acquire and utilize, with a price tag
of only $10,000. Film cameras cost much, much more, and don't even
get me started on the cost of developing the film itself.
I bring up our high school Film Club
adventures because, during this time Caynen and I came across an
intriguing book called $30 Film School. Once we saw this and read the
description (DIY Film School!), we knew we had to have it in our bag
of tricks. Once we finally managed to get a copy of the book, we both
took turns salivating over it as if it were our last meal. So much
new information about every facet of filmmaking was now at our
fingertips. It opened our minds to new possibilities for our
guerrilla filmmaking. It even gave me the idea (that I subsequently
never followed through on due to my laziness, or something) to apply
for 501(c)3 fiscal status. Which is just a fancy way of saying that
you are non-profit organization. This was important to us at the time
because it would've allowed us to entice our neighbors and community
members to invest money in our film because it could be written off
for taxes. On an interesting side note, we made fun of the process of
trying to get donations from family members in our short film, which you can see for yourself on Youtube.
While reading the book, it also came to
our attention that the writer also had a film, called DIY or Die: How
to Survive as an Independent Artist. We thought this was an awesome
title, and as such we determined that it must be part of our
filmmaking toolbox and that, again, we had to have it. Only this
time, funds were a bigger issue.
This is where I got creative. I took it
upon myself to write an email to the book's author, who had so
graciously included his contact information in the book. This is when
I first contacted Michael W. Dean for anything, and in this
particular instance I figured, since we were now an official school
organization and what not, that I would ask him to donate a copy
of the film to our club.
Dean was helpful in informing us that the entire video was up on Youtube, and sent us links to each of the chapters even. We watched it repeatedly, gleaning as much information as we could from the film. The one thing that always stuck with me
from our correspondence however, was the fact that someone who was famous had
messaged an angsty teen like myself back at all. I thought it was
very, very cool of him to do that when he didn't have to, and I
appreciated the correspondence I had with him, keeping the emails
saved in a folder of my Yahoo Mail account to this day.
So it should come as no surprise that
when I got the idea that I wanted to interview someone high-profile
about copyright law and intellectual property rights that I again
took to emailing MWD. And it should also come as no surprise that he
was as gracious as ever, promptly responding to my request with a
very positive attitude.
You see, knowing about his history in
independent filmmaking and other art, I figured he would already have
an aversion to copyright law. Little did I know that he had continued
with his career in the public eye, having most recently created a
radio show called the Freedom Feens. Upon learning this, I got even
more excited.
Not only was he willing to be
interviewed, but this was probably one of the best possible sources I
could interview for the chosen subject! I prepared a list of
questions to ask him and readied myself for the interview. I had no
idea that, between his responses and my recent prior discovery of my
latest idol, Cory Doctorow (in particular, his preface to Little
Brother), that my feelings regarding copyright law would also be
Now, I should mention that I was
already beginning to think copyright law and intellectual property
were bad. This became especially apparent for me after I had read the
book Little Brother, by Cory Doctorow (which, by the way, he gives away free as an eBook, and is definitely a must read for anybody
living in this day and age). I just hadn't come to terms yet with the
fact that my 'creation' would be available for anyone to read,
distribute, and alter as they saw fit (the alteration bit I still
have a hard time with, but I'm getting there) all entirely for free.
In other words, I still had a lot of learning to do.
It should also be mentioned that I have
a history of piracy and illegal downloading et cetera, but it wasn't
until Doctorow softened me up that I stopped living in a moral limbo.
Listed as "The Copyright Thing" in his book Little Brother,
Doctorow takes advantage of his clout to deliver a short and sweet
view of anti-copyright philosophy. Admittedly, a lot of it comes from
his observations of a speech he saw Neil Gaiman give, but the ways he
explained that sharing is just plain human nature were what I enjoyed
the most, saying things like, "It's ridiculous to say that
people who want to "loan" their electronic copy of my book
to a friend need to get a license to do so. Loaning books has been
around longer than any publisher on Earth, and it's a fine thing."
My biggest revelation came when I was
shown that the ability to loan out copies of your favorite books
without having to actually part with them, even temporarily, is a
feature, not a shortcoming. This is one of the big reasons why I have
decide to make my eBook available for free, for example.
Then came the interview with Michael W.
Dean. He made me realize errors in personal philosophy that I had
taken for granted as true. This was outside of the initial subject of the
interview, even. Basically, the man is a verbal wordsmith, which is why he
co-hosts a podcast, I suppose. And very successfully, I might add.
I don't want to go into too much
detail here, lest I spoil the surprise for those of you that wish to hear
it when it airs on Freedom Feens, but suffice it to say that he convinced me very easily to divulge my own personal opinions and where I stood, and
then proceeded to show me why I was wrong. And to his credit, not
only did he come out of left field and surprise me with the question
of my personal philosophy, by he managed to keep the conversation
cordial and polite. It wasn't so much that he was telling me I was
wrong as it was him telling me why his position was more advantageous and therefore
desirable. Add to that the fact that I had been so caught off guard
by the whole thing that I was still reeling by the time he was
halfway through responding to my response, and I was fully aware of
the depth of this man's convictions as well as his ability to
From early on in the conversation, it
was clear to see that this man has problems with the government (but
then again, don't we all?) judging from statements like "I'm not a
constitutionalist. It's a document I didn't sign." to "Obama
is trying to take over the internet. Bush's saving grace was that he
was stupid." Neither of those statements are anything I would
disagree with (at least not anymore), but listening to his insightful
and impassioned speech, it quickly dawns on you that this is a man
with very large cajones. The best thing about him though is that he doesn't
come off as cocky or arrogant at all either, instead making the
listener want to join him in his mission to educate the public.
When I first attempted to call him, I had technical difficulties with my Skype for about ten minutes while he patiently waited. Unfortunately, I was unable to hear him, but he could hear and record me, so we decided I would give him my cell number and he would call me, so I could hear him.
When I first attempted to call him, I had technical difficulties with my Skype for about ten minutes while he patiently waited. Unfortunately, I was unable to hear him, but he could hear and record me, so we decided I would give him my cell number and he would call me, so I could hear him.
We spoke for a little over an hour,
discussing why intellectual property was harmful to our very society,
and how it harms the very artists it claims to protect. Luckily it
was only an audio interview, because Dean had so much to say on the
subject that I was literally reduced to a series of 'yeah's and
'uh-huh's for approximately 98% of the interview. This was not a bad
thing, however, as he never seems to be grasping for subject matter
or things to talk about. This is undoubtedly what makes him a great
co-host and why so many people choose to listen to him and his
fellow host Neema Vedadi, who has recently handed the torch over to
Altogether, my interview with Michael
W. Dean has been a tremendous learning opportunity for me, and I hope
it will be the same for you. As of this writing, the interview I
conducted with Dean will air on the Freedom Feens radio show on
Sunday, May 4th, and will also be available for download as a torrent
from their site after it airs.
I want to thank you for the DIY influence you have had on my life, and before I even engaged you to do this interview and write this article, I found myself looking back and seeing that those experiences in Film Club, which mostly stemmed from our carefree youthful spirit but were also heavily influenced by your ideas, helped to create the man I am today. A man with a healthy distrust of his government, a strong desire to seek the truth, and a need to strive to make change for others in our society for the better. Thank you Michael W. Dean, for being an entrepreneur and affecting the world with your ideas. Don't ever stop spreading them to the public at large.
I want to thank you for the DIY influence you have had on my life, and before I even engaged you to do this interview and write this article, I found myself looking back and seeing that those experiences in Film Club, which mostly stemmed from our carefree youthful spirit but were also heavily influenced by your ideas, helped to create the man I am today. A man with a healthy distrust of his government, a strong desire to seek the truth, and a need to strive to make change for others in our society for the better. Thank you Michael W. Dean, for being an entrepreneur and affecting the world with your ideas. Don't ever stop spreading them to the public at large.
If you would like to listen to the
interview I had with Michael W. Dean, make sure to tune in to the
show on Sunday, May 4th. Make sure to visit the Freedom Feens website for more information
*UPDATE* Michael W. Dean gave me the following links for you to listen, if you're interested.
List of the 25 radio stations that carry the Freedom Feens: radio/
Live streaming link if you're not in one of those cities:
Liberty Radio Network:
*UPDATE* Michael W. Dean gave me the following links for you to listen, if you're interested.
List of the 25 radio stations that carry the Freedom Feens:
Live streaming link if you're not in one of those cities:
P.S. I strongly encourage those of you
who use torrents to
go to the Freedom Feens' Torrents Page and subscribe to the
RSS feed to receive the latest news and other goodies before anyone
else. Then make sure to download all of the material you're
interested in (or you can be like me and download every last bit) to
help protect the info from the drones when the boot finally comes
down on us all.
ReplyDeleteThis was a great interview that you did with Michael W. Dean. He shared your site with me. I am going to check out Day In & Day Out, it sounds good.
Right on, I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope the same goes for my story. Worms!